ETFs with exposure to AI’s world-changing capabilities exist, but they aren’t yet as smart as the AI itself.
Do you remember when TVs had knobs? A lot of people don’t. They can be identified by their frustration when they can’t find a remote, and they are forced to actually get off the couch to turn on the TV. In 10 years time we may all feel their pain. By then, it’s possible all home appliances and services will have embedded artificial intelligence (AI), and we will become equally frustrated when trying to use appliances made without it.
Personally, I think I’m ready for that future. After dealing with services like Amazon and Netflix, that always seem to know exactly what I’m looking for, I am starting to see how dumb my household appliances truly are. If my coffee machine was intelligent, it would hear me get up, start heating water, recognize me when I arrive in the kitchen and make my coffee the way I like it. When it was out of coffee, it would send me a text to refill it. I would pay more for that and I’m confident that the consumer of tomorrow would too, just to make sure the caffeine keeps flowing. And as our expectations for our products and services keep rising, it’s likely consumers will expect that AI applications are built into all of our appliances and services.