Karpiuk Group

Karpiuk Group


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Our Services

Foster Family Office

When you invest with The Foster Family Office, you are investing in the same products and the same allocations we invest our own and our families portfolios in. The Foster Family Office provides an enhanced suite of investment tools to preserve and grow capital. This allows us to fortify portfolios against an increasingly volatile and uncertain stock and bond market. We have found that diversification with uncorrelated and zero-to-low beta to traditional assets is the key to providing returns without exposure to traditional market risks.

IPOs and Private Placements

Investing in IPOS and Private Placements have historically seen outsized performance of public markets. By investing in the early stages, investors are able to buy at pre-market prices and see growth and returns not possible if purchased in public markets. Some of the benefits of private market investments include portfolio diversification, reduced volatility and enhanced risk-adjusted returns.

“My investment returns with Foster have been way above par – unfortunately so is my golf score. However, I don’t worry about my investments, so I have plenty of time to work on my golf.”

Client since 2002