Foster & Associates

Become a Portfolio Manager

You’re a successful financial advisor. You’ve worked hard, earned your CIM® or CFA® designation, invested time, energy, and resources. It’s time to level up!

At Foster & Associates, we believe that Portfolio Management is the future of Wealth in Canada. This is your invitation to join us there. We have the tools, resources, and support you need.

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Across the board our payouts top the Street – reaching 50% at just $300k in annual production. Payouts that Time Forgot!  No desk fees,  no cuts to the grid, and no hearing “No”.  Sell what you want. All revenue is treated equally.
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We loathe the conflicts of interest that are widespread at the big dealers, so we don’t sell or manufacture proprietary products. You’ll always be able to keep your clients’ best interests top of mind.

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Do you need alternatives, options, or private placements? We don’t mind if you do. Augment your business offering with insurance and financial planning. It’s all here.

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Transition Support

You’ll have a dedicated transition team leader, with multi-channel client onboarding to get you up and running quickly. Breathe easy.

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We are members of CIRO and CIPF and National Bank is our custodian.  Give your clients the security and confidence they deserve.

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We are an employee-owned dealer with a long record of profitability and dividends. Take a seat at the table with a personal stake and a seat at the board – you choose your level of involvement.



Ramp up your practice and prioritize your client relationships with the best Portfolio Management front-end system available. Digital onboarding, cloud solutions, and paperless workflow.

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Our newly renovated office located on the PATH in downtown Toronto combines old-world charm and ultra-modern amenities. Find a quiet workspace, collaborate, host client meetings, presentations, and events.

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We’ve been serving Canadian families since 1994 and have stayed out of trouble through good markets and bad. We’re not going anywhere.

Your Next Steps

Are you ready to level up your business and career?

Let’s continue the conversation!

We’re committed to protecting your privacy. Communicate in confidence. Discretion is guaranteed. 

Foster & Associates is committed to protecting your privacy. We will not collect any personal information from you that you do not volunteer, and we are the sole owner of all information collected on this site. We do not sell, share, or rent this information to others in any way that we have not mentioned in this statement.

Foster & Associates